The benefits of membership include access to all information available to the PMA concerning ecclesiastical and secular law; the common law; the Law of Nations, state and federal Constitutions and the laws made in pursuance thereof; administrative agency and court decisions; procedures; banking laws, commerce, private associations, contracts and trusts.
Every member joins the PMA as a real, breathing, flesh and blood, living sentient man or woman (as an American) in their natural and highest character, capacity, standing and status; fully equal to all other men or women members.
In order to protect all members of the PMA from any adverse action by any local, municipal, county, state or federal administrative or regulatory agency, BAR Association or any court in exchange for the benefits offered by the PMA, all members agree and consent to the terms and conditions set forth in the Private Agreement that will be offered to the interested and qualified applicants.
Please scroll below to read how to join us. Gratitude.