Mon - Fri 10:00-18:00 arizona time.
Free Consultation

Our Principle

We stand united at the forefront of Commerce and strive to relieve and release others from the struggles of limiting beliefs and financial hardships.

Our Purpose

World Peace Mission: We share Love, Peace, Mercy and Practical-Knowledge about Trust Law and Exclusive Equity with our Esteemed Members.

Our Commitment

We are committed to our members and their families in promoting integrity, dedication and responsibility.

United by Love We Stand.

Welcome to EB-PMA

Executors and Bankers Private Membership Association

World Peace Mission

EB-PMA – Executors and Bankers PMA is a subscription based Private Membership Association, that assists people in building strong local communities that are well grounded in love, family values, generosity, respect for mankind and their property. Moreover, EB-PMA also empowers its esteemed members with the knowledge about the law of land and international law and treaties that promote mental, physical (i.e. financial, etc.) and spiritual health and growth.

From: Managing Director & Founder

Power Many Do Not Know We Have.

Private Membership Association - PMA

A PMA is a Private Membership Association where living men and woman collectively come together to assert and stand upon their secured God given rights to assemble and associate; their reserved authority; their pre-existing claim to absolute authority and control over the health of their own body, mind and spirit and God given rights and liberties (hereinafter collectively referred to simply as “God given rights”). A PMA functions by the members acting as a unified body of man [as in mankind; men and women both included], in their real private character and capacity.

“No State shall make a law that impairs the obligation of a contract”​ and therefore is without jurisdiction.

All industries and businesses have the ability to remove themselves from the jurisdiction of public law and to invoke and implement the protections of operating within the private domain. In today’s world, business owners or leaders are not taught to seek these protections, instead they are educated to only operate their businesses in compliance with and subject to public law. However; there is a better way! A Properly Structured PMA!

Learn Exclusive Equity

Law is nothing without Equity. And, Equity is everything, even without law. Those who perceive what is just and what is unjust, only through the eyes of law, never see it as well as those who behold it with the eyes of Equity.

Estate & Live Trust

Unlike a Will, which maybe subject to State Probate Courts after one passes on, a Living Trust is a private agreement that allows your loved-ones to administer your estate privately at the kitchen table instead of in a courtroom.

Securities & Bonds

There are primarily three types of securities: Equity, Debt, and Hybrids. And, there are five main types of bonds: Treasury, Savings, Agency, Municipal, and Corporate. Each Security contains a CUSIP which identifies them.
Are you looking for help with anything?

Let us help you! Call Now : 623-396-5145

Mon – Fri 10:00-18:00
– or –
A private association dedicated to empowering its members.

Executors & Bankers PMA

Executors and Bankers Private Membership Association are committed to supporting Estate Executors and Private Bankers by offering them, private-business management assistance and tools; continuing education online or via audio and video, course books on variety of topics relating to conducting business and international trade in private and lawfully without the STATE’s interference .  We also offer our members ongoing weekly webinars/workshops and team building events to share useful knowledge regarding, but not limited to, how to establish lawfully and correctly the unincorporated business organizations including, Common Law Express  Trust, Pure Equity Express Trust,  Irrevocable and/or Revocable Business Trusts, Private Express Trust, Revocable Living Trust, Estate Setup and Administration, Exclusive Equity principals and applications, and much more….


Our Members' Kind Words

  • Around three and a half years ago I discovered the path to enlightenment. In that time, I came across EBPMA when I became a member a little more than three months ago. In those short three months many of the pieces of information and knowledge I gained throughout the last three years combined into a very clear vision forming the ability to finalize the exit from the complex matrix of subjection we all exist in. Within weeks, the areas that I was confused about became clearer. EBPMA not only offers weekly sessions but also provides one on one consultations. Joining EBPMA was the best decision for myself and my family. EBPMA provides many resources. Learning and comprehending various topics empowered me greatly and this is just the beginning. I am looking forward to EBPMA future sessions and the knowledge they provide. I only wish that I joined their team earlier, but I am cognizant of the fact that I was not ready to receive the information earlier. I am delighted that I joined and was granted acceptance and I urge anyone who wants to excel in their journey of enlightenment to join EBPMA. Instead of researching countless pdf files, reading book’s, comments, etc., I read what is critical to further comprehend the perplexing labyrinth and continue on this path to navigate through it.

    Ba Sia
    Real Estate
  • EB-PMA is the truth! I have searched for over ten years for a TRUE solution for a way out of the nonsense. This is a very agreeable and beneficial program for who are serious about finding a REAL path to freedom. If you are a half full/half empty glass person and are not willing to empty your glass to fill it with some real “wine” then this journey isn’t for you, but if you are willing to take that leap…you are very close. tune in!

    Doctor Karaam Ellis
    Business Owner
  • To all my brothers and sisters seeking true freedom… Are you ready to embrace the ability to govern and conduct oneself regardless of the situation… to be able to truly honor yourself your family and your creator. EBPMA is the real deal. The knowledge you have been seeking and the gaps in your understanding that you are unsure who ta turn to for clarity can be discovered with EBPMA weekly teachings and one on one guidance to level up your comprehension. I was not sure of what I would experience when I first joined but my expectations have truly been exceeded this is the education people wish they could have a chance to have. I feel that what EBPMA provides is worth at least 1000 times the cost… But, actually it is priceless to be able to help your family move towards a freedom you can only dream of having today… It is my great hope that each of you takes advantage of this rare life changing opportunity. Please take the fearless steps towards the destiny you know is waiting for you, today without delay. What are you waiting for?

    Daniel Pagel
    Independent Contractor
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